Back the Track!!

The Goderich Track is in need of a rebuild and we’re here to start fundraising and sharing stories about the facility and the people who use it or have used it over the years! Do you know any people in the pics?
To donate to the rebuild project click here: The committee has partnered with the Foundation for Education to raise much needed funds, making it possible for donors to receive a charitable tax receipt. Your donation will be sent to the Foundation for charitable tax receipt purposes and the funds will be Returned to the Goderich Track Rebuild Project. If paying by cheque, please make payable to the Foundation for Education and send to Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Staff at GDCI will forward to the Foundation.
Here is a little background about the track!
In the 1970’s, Physical Education Department Head, Lynn Meyers had a vision. He believed that Huron County and its students needed and deserved a quality running track and athletic courts. In order to make this vision a reality, G.D.C.I students participated in numerous walk-a-thons and a variety of other fundraising activities. With generous donations from community partners, the track was completed and was an instant success. Students from Huron and surrounding counties and members of the community have had access for over forty years. Physical Education classes, elementary Regional Track Meets, Huron-Perth Athletics, Invitational Track Meets, G.D.C.I.’s Colour Run as well as the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life have enjoyed the benefits of this facility. Members of our community can be seen daily walking the track to improve their health and fitness. This track was fully funded by the efforts of G.D.C.I.’s students and our community; once again we need your help.
The track and adjacent facilities have served the community very well but now need significant upgrades. The project will cost $500,000.